Monday, March 28, 2011

My Thought Process

You know when you are thinking something and you wonder "how did I ever start thinking about this"?
Here is mine last night when I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep...

Some "extended family" members have developed this saying, which we repeat every night at bed time:
Sweet Dreams, Happy Rabbits,
One Pump of Soap,
No Scary Spiders...

I was thinking of that saying, when the Itsy Bitsy Spider came into my head...
Then it hit me, this is not just a child's nursery rhyme, it is a metaphor for life...and to think I grew up thinking that it was just about an icky spider, and always wondering why does he have to come back?

Then I started to think...well it is literal for spiders.
I am the rain that many a times came to wash the spider out...
And here is the water spout...

Soooo, after I walked away, did the 'sun' come out for the spider, and it climbed up the water spout? And was it so angry with me it decided to have little spider babies to celebrate it's triumphant rise to the top again?

Am I the reason for the proliferation of the daddy long leg species in my house?  Sweet dreams...

Oh, I forgot to mention that this post is much more exciting if you read it with a British accent.


  1. if this is a metaphor for life--then we are the itsy bitsy spider & it's Satan, who keeps washing us back down the water spout(i suppose this would be life) BUT--jehovah keeps sending the sun(son) to dry up all that keeps washing us down(light warmth hope)So, the moral to this IS Jehovah loves the itsy bitsy spider & doesn't want to see him get washed away, by Satan's acid rain

  2. Come on who is this...I hate suspence!

  3. can't you guess? personnaly i quite enjoy a good suspense novel or movie or even real life suspense (as long as nobody gets hurt)
